Case Study: How a Hotel Benefitted from Installing a Gourmet Coffee Vending Machine in the Lobby

The hospitality industry is highly competitive, and hotels are constantly searching for ways to increase customer satisfaction while reducing costs. One way hotels can achieve this is by installing gourmet coffee vending machines in their lobbies. In this case study, we'll examine how a hotel in Brossard benefitted from installing such a machine.


A hotel in Brossard had been providing complimentary instant coffee to its guests in their cafeteria for years. While the guests appreciated the gesture, the hotel's management was concerned about the cost of providing free coffee to guests. The hotel management also noticed that the guests were not always satisfied with the quality of the coffee.


To address these concerns, the hotel contacted Cafébec and decided to install a gourmet coffee vending machine in the lobby. The machine was stocked with high-quality coffee beans and offered a range of coffee options, including cappuccino, latte, and espresso. The machine also had a built-in milk frother and a simple user interface that allowed guests to easily get speciality coffees.


The installation of the gourmet coffee vending machine had several positive effects for the hotel. Firstly, it reduced the cost of providing free coffee to guests, as most would prefer to pay for quality coffee rather. The hotel was no longer required to purchase and maintain equipment of the complimentary coffee as much. By working with Cafébec, the coffee vending machine was always maintained and supplied so the hotel did not have to hire or train new staff.

Secondly, the machine increased customer satisfaction. The machine also gave alternatives to the guests and ensured that the quality of the coffee was consistently high, eliminating complaints from guests about the quality of the coffee. The machine also offered guests the option to purchase coffee, which provided an additional passive revenue stream for the hotel.

In conclusion, the installation of a gourmet coffee vending machine in the hotel lobby had several positive effects. It reduced the cost of providing complimentary coffee to guests while also increasing customer satisfaction. The machine also offered an additional revenue stream for the hotel, making it a worthwhile partnership Hotels looking to improve their guests' experience while reducing costs should consider installing a gourmet coffee vending machine in their lobbies.


Enhancing Employee Satisfaction and Sustainability: The Power of Coffee Vending Machines in Offices


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