Case Study: Enhancing Guest Experience at Holiday Inn Longueuil with a Gourmet Coffee Machine

Holiday Inn Longueuil's General Manager with our Coffee Machine

In the competitive hospitality industry, guest satisfaction is paramount. This case study, based on an interview with Antonio, the General Manager of Holiday Inn Longueuil, explores the hotel's strategic decision to install a gourmet coffee machine. The aim was to enhance guest experiences with specialized coffee options beyond traditional service hours.

Recognizing evolving guest preferences, Holiday Inn Longueuil embarked on enhancing amenities by partnering with Cafébec. Through meticulous planning and a focus on customer-centricity, the gourmet coffee machine seamlessly integrated into the hotel's offerings, enriching the overall guest experience.

This study examines factors influencing the decision-making process, Cafébec's selection as the preferred supplier, and tangible impacts on guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. By analyzing real-world outcomes, it highlights the transformative power of strategic amenities deployment in the hospitality sector.

What factors influenced your decision to install a gourmet coffee machine?

Being able to offer a specialized coffee option outside of bar or restaurant hours meets a need for customers when regular services are not available. Also, during a meeting day, although the restaurant may be open, some customers simply prefer to use the coffee machine for its ease of access. This convenience is essential for our customers. When it comes to availability, the hotel is open 24/7 but not the restaurant, so having a gourmet coffee machine on-site provides us with complete coverage. It's an excellent option for customers, whether early in the morning or late at night. Additionally, we have small complimentary coffee machines in the rooms, but many people prefer to purchase fresh coffee.

Why did you choose Cafébec as the supplier of gourmet coffee?

The owner is really friendly! You made a good sale by coming here in person, making sensible suggestions without ever exerting pressure. It's something we might have been looking for but hadn't bothered to find ourselves. I figured it wouldn't cost me anything, as with all the vending machines on the floors, we don't make much profit with them, and that's not our goal. Our priority is to provide all possible options to our guests and offer excellent customer service.

What do you think of your interactions with the Cafébec team?

So far, everything has been positive. When we encountered some really minor issues, they responded quickly. The service was fast, even on weekends; I think one of their technicians came once or twice the same day. Certainly, some maintenance is required, the machine needs to be cleaned and refilled regularly. It's nice to have someone respond quickly, demonstrating great efficiency in execution. For example, they promptly intervened with their professional team to install a direct water connection, providing a permanent solution. Previously, we had to use a water jug and refill it regularly, but now everything is simplified.

Does the Cafébec team meet your requirements in terms of service, maintenance, and customer service?

In terms of responsiveness, it's excellent. They are always reachable. Every time we contact one of the technicians, they are always polite on the phone and available immediately, without any waiting time.

How has the introduction of the gourmet coffee machine impacted customer satisfaction?

I believe that customers here for business often seek quality products like cappuccinos, lattes, specialized options that are not always available everywhere but here. So, having this option is really appreciated. All our meeting and conference rooms are located on the ground floor, so people often go out during breaks to get coffee from the machine. Even if there's sometimes coffee in the room, some prefer to have a fresh one and are willing to pay for it.

Do you think there are time savings not only for your customers but also for the staff?

Honestly, when customers asked for a cappuccino or even just an espresso during times when the restaurant was closed, either I or someone else had to take care of that task, or we simply told them it wasn't available. It's nice not to have to do this work ourselves and just point to the gourmet coffee machine.


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